German Authorities Grant Approval for Two Offshore Wind Grid Connections

German authorities have granted planning permission for two wind grid connections, marking a significant step in the country's ambitions.

The Federal Maritime and Hydrographic Agency (BSH) has given its approval for 's 300MW Ostwind 3 project in the Baltic Sea. The transmission system operator (TSO) plans to install the Jasmund substation approximately 42km off the north-east coast of Rugen.

See also: Germany's BSH Releases Final Version of Offshore Wind Area Development Plan

This substation will be connected to the mainland by a 100km cable. The project involves direct power feed from nearby turbines into the converter station through 66kV cables, with operations scheduled to commence in 2026.

In another development, Amprion has received its first planning permission for an offshore grid connection – the 900MW DolWin4. The DolWin Delta platform is slated to be situated 45km north of in the , with a 60km cable connecting it to the shore.

See also: Drax Granted Planning Permission for 600MW Hydroelectric Expansion in Scotland

The planning permission from BSH includes compensation measures to address environmental concerns related to construction and operation, including the reintroduction of the European oyster. The DolWin4 grid connection system is expected to be operational by autumn 2028.


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