Germany Plans Hydrogen Imports to Enhance Energy Independence

German Economy Minister Robert Habeck. (Credit: Stephan Röhl/Flickr)

aims to significantly bolster its energy independence by surpassing current levels of gas, oil, and coal production through an ambitious strategy focusing on domestic hydrogen production and imports.

Environment Minister outlined key corridors for importing hydrogen, including routes from Denmark, Norway, Great Britain, Italy, and through the H2Med pipeline via France from Portugal and Spain, potentially extending to Morocco.

The plan also explores connections from the Baltic region and the Balkans, encompassing countries such as , Bulgaria, Serbia, and Ukraine.

Habeck emphasized the expedience of establishing a pipeline link with Denmark as the quickest route to implement.

The next crucial steps involve advancing from strategic plans to concrete investment decisions in collaboration with neighboring countries, alongside legislative efforts to formalize Germany's power plant strategy.

A recent study by think tank Agora Energiewende projected that Germany could potentially import between 60 TWh and 100 TWh of annually via pipelines by the mid-2030s, contingent upon the timely development of necessary .

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