McPhy Energy to Supply Electrolyser and Filling Station for Rouen Green Hydrogen Project

McPhy Energy SA has secured a significant contract to provide its 1-MW electrolyser and a hydrogen filling station to green energy firm Valorem for the Rouen valley project in .

Under the agreement, Valorem and its construction unit Valrea have contracted McPhy to supply its McLyzer electrolyser and a 350-bar McFilling station for the Rouen Vallee Hydrogene (RVH2) project in the Greater Rouen area of Normandy, McPhy confirmed on Monday.

This collaboration marks McPhy's involvement in its fifth project, following initiatives in Toulouse, Clermont-Ferrand, Strasbourg, and Belfort.

The RVH2 project aims to deploy the McLyzer to produce green hydrogen, which will then be utilized to fuel a fleet of 14 buses through the filling station. Any surplus hydrogen generated on-site will be transported to local industrial sites via tube trailers to meet their green hydrogen requirements.

Importantly, the McLyzer will be powered entirely by green generated by Valorem, emphasizing the project's commitment to renewable energy sources, as highlighted by McPhy.

As part of the agreement, McPhy and Valorem have also entered into a contract for the provision of maintenance and technical support for eight years. This service will be provided by McPhy and its preferred partner for equipment maintenance, TSG Group.

Furthermore, the supply and maintenance of the 350-bar filling station will be subcontracted to French hydrogen stations and dispensers manufacturer Atawey, as part of McPhy's proposed sale of the stations business.

All equipment for the RVH2 project is slated to be commissioned by January 2026, marking a significant milestone in the development of green hydrogen infrastructure in France.


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