Danish State Railways to Procure 80 GWh of Green Power from New Solar Park

The Danish State Railways (DSB) has inked a significant deal to secure 80 gigawatt-hours (GWh) of green power from a forthcoming park on Lolland Island, Eastern . The agreement, facilitated with domestic renewables developer European Energy A/S, marks a pivotal step towards advancing sustainable energy solutions in the region.

European Energy A/S announced on Monday that the power off-take agreement will underpin the construction of the Lidso PV farm, poised to become one of Denmark's largest solar installations. Spanning 253 hectares (625 acres) at Rodby Harbour in Lolland Municipality, the photovoltaic farm is projected to produce approximately 262 gigawatts (GW) annually. This output is equivalent to powering nearly 65,000 homes per year.

Construction of the Lidso PV farm is slated to commence following the summer holidays, with operations expected to commence in 2025. Once operational, the solar park will begin supplying to DSB, fulfilling half of the current electricity needs of its light rail network in Copenhagen.

Aske Wieth-Knudsen, DSB's head of sustainability, emphasized the strategic significance of the agreement, stating, “With this agreement, we contribute to a faster transition to green electricity in Denmark, thereby strengthening the position of trains as one of the most -friendly modes of travel.”

The procurement deal aligns with DSB's ambitious sustainability targets, aiming to slash the climate impact of its operations by 98% from 2019 levels by the end of the decade. By leveraging sources like the Lidso PV farm, DSB reinforces its commitment to promoting environmentally responsible transportation solutions across Denmark.


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