Better Energy to Install 10-MW Battery at Hoby Solar Park in Denmark

Danish company has announced plans to integrate a 10-MW/12-MWh lithium-ion with its in Denmark. The initiative aims to address the growing need for enhanced grid flexibility as renewable energy penetration increases.

The energy storage facility is scheduled for installation by the end of this year. Once operational, it will offer ancillary and frequency control services to Energinet, Denmark's domestic transmission system operator. The battery system will store excess electricity and discharge it during periods of high demand.

Thomas Dalgas Fechtenburg, senior manager of Ancillary Services at Energinet, emphasized the importance of new technologies and renewable energy companies contributing to the balancing market and supporting system stability as renewable energy production becomes more prevalent in the energy system.

Better Energy stated that the proposed battery will be one of the largest installed at a farm site in Denmark.

The Hoby photovoltaic (PV) park, located on the island of Lolland, commenced operations in August 2023. With an annual output of 70 GWh, it has the capacity to power 43,000 Danish homes.


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