FRV Expands into Finnish Market, Partners with Will & Must for 600MW Solar Pipeline

Fotowatio Renewable Ventures (FRV), a subsidiary of Jameel Energy, has revealed its strategic entry into 's burgeoning renewable energy landscape. Collaborating with local operator Will & Must, FRV plans to embark on the development of a substantial 600MW across the Finnish terrain.

The envisaged projects are slated to progress into the “ready to build” phase progressively over a span of three years, spanning from 2024 to 2026.

Marking its debut into the Nordic countries, FRV's expansion underscores its steadfast commitment to fostering a sustainable future by aligning with seasoned industry players like Will & Must. This move follows FRV's recent foray into the German market, where it aims to furnish solar energy to approximately 800,000 households.

Andrea Fontana, Managing Director of FRV Europe, expressed enthusiasm about the venture, stating, “We are delighted to leverage our international experience and expertise in burgeoning markets such as Finland. This represents one of the most promising markets for renewable energy, and we are confident that our offerings will resonate strongly.”

The founding team of Will & Must, comprising Matti Parpala, Mikke Vepsäläinen, and Anssi Voipio, echoed similar sentiments, remarking, “We eagerly anticipate catalyzing a reduction in Finland's emissions and expediting the overall green transition alongside FRV. By bringing an unparalleled wealth of experience in large-scale projects to the nascent Finnish market, we aim to showcase the benefits to local landowners and communities, thereby fostering social acceptance for efficient project implementation.”

FRV highlighted the increasing commitment of Nordic countries to photovoltaics and solar power as complementary components to their predominantly wind-driven energy systems. The region's abundance of available land, coupled with favorable solar irradiation conditions and extended daylight hours during summer, positions it as an opportune environment for solar ventures.

Moreover, the presence of snow amplifies solar irradiation through reflective properties, while the cold enhances the efficiency of photovoltaic cells—a confluence of factors that augur well for solar energy proliferation in the region.


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