China’s Qn-SOLAR Achieves Strong 2023 Sales with 4.5GW Module Transactions

Chinese (PV) manufacturer Qn-SOLAR has reported robust sales results for 2023, with the former engineering, procurement, and construction (EPC) contractor successfully selling 4.5GW of modules. The company, aiming to enhance its global presence, capitalized on manufacturing capacity in and executed module sales overseas. Qn-SOLAR presently operates six manufacturing bases in China, boasting an annual cell production capacity of 69GW and an annual module production capacity of 39GW, illustrating its commitment to expansion.

In 2023, Qn-SOLAR inked agreements with undisclosed “industry-leading resources and technology experts” to deploy its modules in solar-plus-storage and generation facilities within China. The company also demonstrated its global outreach by securing orders exceeding 100MW from European developers in July. Additionally, in August, new deals for 200MW of module capacity were signed with South American firms.

Qn-SOLAR's modules have received certifications from national governing bodies in , Brazil, Colombia, Italy, and the UK, underscoring its dedication to establishing a global footprint. Chairman Stephen Cai expressed pride in the company's achievements, highlighting a 70% sales increase in H1 2023 compared to the same period in 2022. The positive sales performance aligns with Qn-SOLAR's transition from an EPC developer to a PV module design and manufacturing entity in 2021, seizing opportunities in the growing global demand for solar panels.

Cai remains optimistic about Qn-SOLAR's future endeavors, emphasizing the company's commitment to responding to global calls for zero emissions and actively contributing to a sustainable future.


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