North Channel Wind has welcomed the publication of a government report outlining potential sites for offshore wind development in Northern Ireland. The renewable energy company, which plans to develop a floating offshore wind farm in the North Channel of the Irish Sea, expressed optimism following the release of the government's Offshore Renewable Energy Action Plan (OREAP).
Economy Minister Caoimhe Archibald launched the public consultation on the OREAP, which includes the Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) Environmental Report and the Report to Inform Appropriate Assessment (RIAA). The consultation invites public feedback on the proposed areas for offshore renewable energy development in the region.
A core goal of the OREAP is to update the SEA and Habitats Regulation Assessment (HRA) of offshore renewable energy in Northern Ireland's marine area. The SEA identifies zones deemed optimal for offshore wind turbine installations.
Niamh Kenny, Project Director at North Channel Wind, said the publication marked a “significant step forward” in Northern Ireland's transition to 100% clean energy. She noted that the zones outlined in the SEA closely matched her company's proposed site for development.
“We are very pleased that our own exhaustive constraints, mapping, and engineering assessments have been vindicated, as a significant portion of North Channel Wind 1 is in a Refined Area, recommended for offshore wind,” Kenny said.
The SEA publication is expected to be a key trigger for an offshore wind leasing round. The seabed around Northern Ireland is managed by The Crown Estate, which controls all leasing agreements.
“The SEA has considered all of the environmental constraints and the Department for the Economy (DfE) has now proposed for consultation areas in Northern Ireland's marine area which could be used for offshore wind development,” Kenny added.
The public consultation process will remain open until May 22, allowing individuals and stakeholders the opportunity to comment on the proposed areas for offshore wind projects in Northern Ireland.