Redeia Issues EUR 500 Million Green Bond for Spanish Grid Development

Spanish corporate group Corporacion SA launched a EUR 500 million (USD 534.9 million) on Thursday aimed at financing the development of Spain's transmission grid and advancing its energy transition efforts.

The eight-year green notes carry an annual coupon of 3.375% and were issued at 99.428% of their face value, yielding 3.458%. Notable investors in the issuance include the (EIB) and Spanish lender Instituto de Credito Oficial (ICO), according to Redeia.

Proceeds from the bond issuance will be directed towards and/or refinancing eligible green projects managed by Redeia's subsidiary, Red Electrica de Espana (REE), which oversees Spain's power grid .

Redeia highlighted that REE has already made substantial progress in executing its current transmission grid plan, which spans the 2021-2026 period and has received government approval.

The plan, totaling EUR 6.96 billion, focuses on upgrading the grid to accommodate increased renewable energy integration and constructing interconnections with Spain's non-mainland territories as well as neighboring countries such as France, Morocco, Portugal, and Andorra.


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