TenneT Unveils Ambitious Investment Plan for Grid Infrastructure Over the Next Decade

, the operator, has revealed its ambitious investment plans covering the 2024-2033 period. The strategy is designed to address the evolving energy landscape and the accelerating electrification of society. It outlines the execution of approximately 700 major infrastructure projects, effectively doubling the scale of the portfolio compared to the previous investment plan in 2022.

Maarten Abbenhuis, Chief Operating Officer of TenneT, emphasized the necessity of transforming the entire energy system in response to society's rapid electrification. The investment plans encompass a wide array of initiatives, including grid extensions, replacement investments, new customer connections, wind farms, and reconstruction projects.

Over the next decade, TenneT aims to establish five substantial new power highways and enhance 140 high-voltage substations to bolster the resilience and efficiency of the grid.

Both the “Investment Plan on Land” and the “Investment Plan at Sea” from TenneT are available on the company's website, inviting stakeholders to provide feedback until November 29. The final plan will be submitted to the Authority for Consumers and Markets (ACM) in early 2024, solidifying TenneT's commitment to enhancing the infrastructure to meet the needs of a rapidly changing energy landscape.


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