Kenya Power to Illuminate Wasini Island with Solar Mini-Grid Project

Power is on the verge of launching an ambitious mini-grid project on Wasini Island, nestled within the scenic Mukwiro village in Kwale County, Kenya's southern region.

This pioneering mini-grid boasts an impressive solar plant capacity of 737 kilowatts peak (kWp), complemented by a 70-kilovolt-ampere (kVA) diesel generator. The heart of the system comprises 1,820 state-of-the-art solar panels and 247 lead-acid batteries, collectively harboring an impressive total capacity of 2,276 kilowatt-hours (kWh). This groundbreaking endeavor is poised to bring tangible benefits to the lives of 468 island residents.

A groundbreaking collaboration between the and the county government has breathed life into this project, marking a historic milestone as the island receives its first electrification since gaining independence. The primary objective of this initiative is to usher in reliable and sustainable power, with a specific focus on bolstering the local fishing industry while simultaneously creating income-generation opportunities for the island's inhabitants.

This undertaking is an integral part of the Kenya Modernization Project (KEMP), a comprehensive initiative geared towards expanding electricity access to underserved communities. It places a special emphasis on peri-urban and off-grid areas, where access to conventional power sources has been limited. The choice of Wasini Island for this electrification effort is strategic, driven by the region's abundant and favorable solar insolation levels, making it an ideal hub for solar energy production and a catalyst for sustainable local development.

As the Wasini Island solar mini-grid project enters its final stages, it stands as a testament to Kenya's commitment to improving the lives of its citizens by providing access to clean and reliable energy sources. The forthcoming electrification promises to not only illuminate homes but also illuminate the path to a brighter and more prosperous future for Wasini Island and its residents.


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