Chile Invites Bids for Energy Storage Projects on Public Land

The Chilean ministry of national assets has initiated a bidding process, inviting developers to lease public land in northern for the establishment of standalone facilities.

As per the ministry's resolution, developers can select from six designated sites spanning the regions of Tarapaca, Antofagasta, and Atacama, each with specific substations available for project implementation.

The grid operator has outlined the maximum storage capacity allowable at each of the six substations, which bidders must adhere to. Cumulatively, the maximum capacity across all sites amounts to 13.2 GWh.

Successful bidders will be granted a land concession for a duration of up to 40 years.

Interested parties have until May 23, 2024, to submit their applications. The evaluation of proposals will be overseen by the energy ministry and is slated to conclude by June 24, 2024.

Marcela Sandoval, the minister of national assets, highlighted the government's commitment to initiatives. Under President Gabriel Boric's administration, the ministry has already awarded 32 concessions for non-conventional renewable energy projects, allocating approximately 14,756 hectares of public land to private entities. These projects are expected to contribute over 6,500 MW to the national grid. Sandoval expressed optimism regarding the potential interest and success of energy storage projects on public land.


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