Salamander Consortium Advances Floating Wind Project Off Scotland

The Salamander floating wind team has reached a significant milestone by submitting an offshore consent application for its proposed 100MW project off the coast of Scotland. This application, according to the Salamander consortium comprising , , and , represents a “big step forward” in the project's delivery.

Situated 35km off the coast of Peterhead, the Salamander project was selected as a successful Innovation bidder in Crown Estate Scotland's Innovation and Targeted Oil and Gas (INTOG) leasing round. The offshore consent application, subject to approval by Scottish Ministers, will authorize the offshore elements of the project.

Notably, Salamander aims to provide a significant capability development opportunity for the Scottish floating wind supply chain, supporting its expansion ahead of future projects leased under the ScotWind and INTOG seabed leasing rounds.

Hugh Yendole, Salamander project director, emphasized the consortium's commitment to prioritizing Scottish content in both construction and operation, aiming to de-risk the future and attract investment to maximize the country's benefit from the renewables transition. Yendole stated, “The timely delivery of Salamander is critical for industry in ensuring we provide opportunities to enable the supply chain…”

Community engagement remains a priority, with plans for a third public consultation event scheduled to take place on May 29 at the Scottish Maritime Academy in Peterhead. This event will focus on presenting the entire project and detailing the onshore consent application expected to be submitted later in 2024.


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