EnBW Unveils €40 Billion Investment Plan to Spearhead Energy Transition

, 's sole remaining integrated energy company, has announced plans to invest approximately €40 billion by 2030 in advancing the energy transition, marking the largest investment program in the company's history.

Speaking at the company's Annual General Meeting, EnBW's new chief executive emphasized the company's unique role and responsibility in driving the success of the energy transition.

“As Germany's only remaining integrated energy company, we see ourselves as having a special role and responsibility to make a decisive contribution to the success of the energy transition,” Stamatelopoulos stated.

The investment initiative comes on the heels of an exceptionally strong performance in the 2023 financial year, with EnBW reporting an adjusted EBITDA of around €6.4 billion, marking a 60% increase from the previous year.

“We owe this gratifying result first and foremost to the outstanding performance and strong motivation of our employees,” Stamatelopoulos attributed the success to the dedication of EnBW's workforce.

In light of the robust financial performance, the EnBW Board of proposed a dividend of €1.50 per share at the Annual General Meeting, compared to €1.10 per share the previous year.

Looking ahead, Stamatelopoulos confirmed the existing guidance for the current financial year, expecting adjusted EBITDA at group level to range between €4.6 billion and €5.2 billion.

“This reflects the company's lasting financial strength,” Stamatelopoulos remarked, underscoring EnBW's commitment to sustainability and future growth.

Furthermore, by 2026, EnBW aims to expand its workforce by approximately 10,000 employees, including the addition of 2,500 new jobs.

“We welcome everyone who joins us in advancing the energy transition,” Stamatelopoulos expressed, highlighting the company's commitment to driving positive change in the energy sector.


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