EU Wind Turbine Blade Material Producers Urge Action for Supply Chain Resilience Under Net-Zero Industry Act

In a concerted effort to fortify the supply chains crucial for achieving net-zero emissions targets, leading materials producers are pressing EU authorities for decisive action. TECH-FAB , CEFIC UP/VE, CEFIC Epoxy Europe, Glass Fibre Europe, and Rotorblatt have collectively advocated for measures to enhance the resilience of these vital supply chains within the framework of the Net-Zero Industry Act (NZIA).

In an open letter addressed to EU authorities, the companies emphasized the strategic significance of upstream materials like glass fibers, resins, and core materials in the development of net-zero technologies. They underscored the indispensable role played by upstream industries in enabling innovations such as the continuous enlargement of wind turbine blades, resulting in heightened power output.

Expressing their stance, the companies stated, “While we support the urgent requests of a variety of EU manufacturing industries… the wind turbine blade supply chain has additional specific needs.”

Central to their appeal are three key requests outlined in the open letter.

Firstly, they call for the urgent adoption of policies favoring local content to bolster the resilience of the wind turbine blade supply chain, akin to measures implemented in other jurisdictions to enhance local production competitiveness and supply chain robustness.

Secondly, they urge EU authorities to conduct investigations and implement necessary trade defense measures against subsidized and dumped imports at every stage of the wind turbine blade value chain.

Lastly, the companies advocate for expanded and enhanced customs controls on imports to prevent circumvention of trade defense measures and to ensure rigorous enforcement of environmental, sustainability, and social standards for imports, including compliance with REACH regulations, labor standards, and anti-bribery protocols.

This call to action reflects the pressing need to address challenges faced by EU manufacturers amidst an influx of subsidized imports, underscoring the imperative for strategic interventions to safeguard the integrity and competitiveness of the wind turbine blade supply chain in Europe.


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