Maine Initiates Offshore Wind Procurement Process, Aims for 3GW by 2040

has embarked on a significant endeavor to secure up to 3 gigawatts (GW) of by the year 2040.

Governor Janet Mills disclosed the commencement of this process, announcing the release of a Request for Information (RFI) by the Governor's Energy Office (GEO) to solicit public feedback. The RFI aims to inform Maine's inaugural commercial offshore wind solicitation for the Gulf of Maine, with responses accepted until June 21, 2024.

During a keynote address at the 's International Partnering Forum (IPF) held in New Orleans, , Governor Mills emphasized the transformative potential of offshore wind, stating, “Offshore wind offers Maine the opportunity to generate clean, homegrown energy, to reduce our dependence on fossil fuels, to create good-paying jobs, and to protect our environment for future generations.”

The decision to pursue offshore wind energy was reinforced by legislation signed by Governor Mills in July 2023, which set the ambitious target of procuring up to 3000 megawatts of offshore wind energy in the Gulf of Maine by 2040.

Expressing pride in Maine's proactive stance, Governor Mills declared, “Today, I am proud to announce that Maine is taking the first step in our offshore wind procurement process by releasing a Request for Information – a formal call for feedback from diverse stakeholders that will inform our procurement of offshore wind to reach 100 percent clean energy.”

Dan Burgess, the Director of GEO, echoed the sentiment, highlighting the importance of public input in shaping Maine's offshore wind solicitation. Burgess emphasized the state's commitment to responsible development, stating, “Guided by the recommendations of the Maine Offshore Wind Roadmap, Maine is committed to robust stakeholder engagement to maximize the opportunity to deliver clean, affordable, and reliable energy to households and businesses through responsibly developed offshore wind.”


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