Energiekontor Nears Completion of 33MW Oederquart Repowering Project

Energiekontor has reached a significant milestone in its journey towards sustainability with the nearing completion of the 33MW Oederquart repowering project in Lower Saxony's Stade district. The project, now poised for construction, embodies a blend of strategic sale and integration into Energiekontor's own portfolio.

Having secured a building permit in the summer of 2023, Energiekontor swiftly positioned itself for success in the renewables tender by the Bundesnetzagentur later that year. Today, the Oederquart repowering project stands at the threshold of financial closure, marking a pivotal moment in its evolution. With the loan for the scheme secured, preparations are underway for the dismantling of existing infrastructure and the installation of cutting-edge wind turbines.

The transition is not merely about upgrading technology; it's about enhancing efficiency and sustainability. Ten Enercon turbines, each with a capacity of 1.5MW, will make way for six new units boasting a staggering nominal power of approximately 5.6MW each. These state-of-the-art E-160 EP5 turbines, towering at a hub height of around 120 meters with a rotor diameter of about 160 meters, signify a paradigm shift in energy generation.

By more than tripling the total generation capacity to approximately 33MW, the repowered park is poised to yield over 85 million kilowatt-hours annually. Such a substantial output is not merely a statistic but a testament to the project's potential to power around 26,000 households in Germany while significantly reducing emissions by approximately 65,000 tonnes per year.

“Repowering existing sites is an integral aspect of our mission,” affirmed , CEO of Energiekontor. “As older turbines phase out of remuneration schemes, seizing these opportunities becomes imperative. Our expertise in this domain allows us not only to contribute to Germany's renewable energy targets but also to do so in a financially prudent manner.”

Energiekontor's commitment to sustainability extends beyond the Oederquart project. With plans to integrate three of the six new turbines into its own park portfolio, the company aims to bolster its total generation capacity by approximately 17MW. Recent achievements, including the commissioning of the Bergheim repowering wind park in , underscore Energiekontor's dedication to innovation and expansion.

Furthermore, with several projects underway across Germany, , and the , Energiekontor is poised for a transformative phase. The company's ventures into solar energy, particularly in France and Germany, signal a diversification strategy aimed at consolidating its position as a frontrunner in the renewable energy sector.


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