RWE Unveils Major Solar Venture, Gazules, in Spain’s Andalusia

RWE, a significant player in the renewable energy sector, recently announced the inauguration of its new initiative, Gazules, in the province of Cádiz, Spain. The project represents RWE's largest solar endeavor in Spain to date, with a capacity of 92MW.

Comprising two separate solar power plants, Gazules 1 and Gazules 2, each with a nominal capacity of 46 MWac, the project underscores RWE's commitment to expanding clean energy . Approximately 240,000 bifizial modules have been deployed across a 140-hectare area.

Gazules began supplying green electricity to the grid in February 2024 and achieved full operational status by April, demonstrating RWE's operational expertise and dedication to sustainable energy solutions.

The impact of Gazules extends to roughly 20,000 Spanish households annually, aligning with RWE's broader mission of fostering accessible and eco-friendly power solutions.

In a statement, , Chief Executive of Onshore Wind and Solar for Europe and at RWE Renewables, highlighted the company's progress in the Iberian Peninsula. “In less than two years, we have installed more than 550,000 solar panels on the Iberian Peninsula and increased our solar capacity there sixfold to around 300MW,” stated Wünschel.

Wünschel also emphasized the role of solar energy in RWE's strategy towards neutrality, stating, “The sun in Europe is a great partner on our path to climate neutrality by 2040. With Gazules, we have commissioned our largest solar plant on the Iberian Peninsula to date.”


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