Spain’s Solar PV Capacity Surges 28% in 2023, Renewables Dominate Energy Mix

experienced a record-breaking increase in (PV) generation capacity in 2023, with a 28% surge adding 5,594 MW over the year, reaching a total of 25,549 MW in service, according to Spanish power grid operator Red Electrica de Espana (REE).

“This growth in solar PV installations is unprecedented and demonstrates Spain's commitment to ,” stated an REE representative during the presentation of the Spanish system report for 2023 and the 2023 renewable energy report.

The remarkable expansion in solar PV capacity propelled this technology to account for 20.3% of Spain's generation fleet, marking the highest rate of installations on record.

Overall, Spain's renewable energy generation capacity increased by 8.8% to 77,039 MW by the end of 2023, representing 61.3% of the total installed capacity. Alongside the surge in solar PV, 661 MW of wind power and 4 MW of other renewables were added during the year.

In total, Spain ended 2023 with over 125.6 GW of installed capacity.

Renewable power production surged by 15.1% in 2023 to a record 134,321 GWh, pushing the share of renewables in Spain's total production to an all-time high of 50.3%, up from 42.2% the previous year. This achievement led to the lowest CO2 equivalent emissions, with nearly 28% less than the previous year, according to REE.

The region of Castile and Leon emerged as a leader in renewable power production, generating 17.3% of Spain's electricity from natural sources such as wind, sun, and water.

However, Ceuta, Spain's autonomous city on the North African coast, remains heavily reliant on fossil fuels, with its isolated energy system having no renewable electricity generation or consumption. Ceuta's entire 91 MW of installed capacity is provided by fossil fuels.

“The significant growth in solar PV capacity and the surge in renewable energy generation in Spain in 2023 underscore the country's commitment to clean energy and decarbonization,” remarked the REE spokesperson.


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