Ampcontrol Signs 10-Year PPA with Flow Power for Renewable Energy Supply

Australian energy engineering firm Ampcontrol has announced the signing of a 10-year power purchase agreement (PPA) with retailer Flow Power to source wind and solar power for its facilities in .

The agreement, aimed at offsetting the operating emissions for its sites in the southeastern Australian state, will see Ampcontrol initially supplied with GreenPower certified electricity and large-scale generation certificates (LGCs) from the 112-MW Karadoc (PV) park in for the first 18 months of the contract. Subsequently, for the remaining 8.5 years, Ampcontrol will receive generation from a wind farm and a solar park in New South Wales to match its operating consumption “as closely as possible.”

The selected wind and solar plants will cover 100% of Ampcontrol's energy requirements each year, including LGCs, although the specific projects were not named in the statement.

Ampcontrol's sustainability manager, Sam Parris, described the partnership as a “significant milestone” on the company's net-zero journey. He noted that Ampcontrol initially collaborated with other local organizations to form a buying group.


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