Germany’s Offshore Wind Industry Faces Port Capacity Challenge, Calls for Government Cooperation

's Federal Association of (BWO) has raised concerns about the insufficient port capacity to meet the country's current offshore wind targets. Collaborating with the Central Association of German Seaport Companies (ZDS), BWO is urging greater cooperation with the federal government to swiftly address and the expansion of port facilities.

BWO Managing Director, Stefan Thimm, expressed approval for the federal government's initiative to introduce a transformation component utilizing revenue from offshore wind auctions. Thimm emphasized the importance of using these funds to finance port expansion and hinterland connections.

He stated, “This way, we support the expansion of offshore wind energy, ensuring a secure supply for Germany. Offshore wind base ports and those designated for decommissioning old wind turbines can also benefit from the establishment of numerous supply chain companies.”

Angela Titzrath, President of the Central Association of German Seaport Companies, underscored the pivotal role of German seaports in achieving the planned expansion goals for offshore wind energy. Titzrath urged prompt political decisions on the expansion of heavy-duty areas in seaports, with a particular call for financial contributions from the federal government.

She suggested using proceeds from offshore licenses for wind farms at sea, citing it as a logical step that wouldn't strain the federal budget. Titzrath emphasized the urgency of avoiding further delays in crucial political decisions given the expansion goals in the offshore wind sector.


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