Neoen Secures 104.4MWp in French Government Solar Projects

renewable power producer has been granted four projects totaling 104.4MWp by the French government's Energy Regulation Commission (CRE). The projects, set to be commissioned between 2025 and 2028, encompass a range of capacities from 14.4MWp to 30MWp.

A noteworthy aspect of these solar ventures is that three of them will embrace agrivoltaics, a combination of sheep farming and solar power generation, each boasting a capacity of 30MWp. The fourth project, with a capacity of 14.4MWp, will be developed on forestry plots owned by the municipal council.

With the addition of these projects, Neoen's total capacity for solar and wind projects awarded in French government tenders this year reaches 475.5MWp. The announcement comes after France's September auction, where a significant 1.5GW of ground-mounted solar PV capacity was awarded, marking the largest allocation in a single under the Programmation Pluriannuelle de l'Energie (PPE) scheme. Neoen secured 226.1MW in this auction, positioning itself as a prominent player alongside Photosol and EDF.

Neoen's diversification extends beyond France, with ongoing developments such as the construction of a 100MWp solar PV plant in in collaboration with Swedish independent power producer (IPP) Alight, initiated in October.


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