Statkraft Seeks Approval for $650 Million Wind and Solar Hybrid Project in Chile

has submitted an environmental impact study (EIS) seeking approval to build a 440MW wind and power generation complex in the Antofagasta region of northern .

The Vientos del Desierto hybrid project, with an estimated investment of USD 650 million (EUR 601.9m), has received acceptance for review from the Antofagasta environmental authority, as reported by Chile's project database Seia.

The Vientos del Desierto project comprises a 123MW solar farm and a 317MW wind farm. The solar facility is designed to include approximately 183,000 modules, while the wind farm will be equipped with 44 turbines, each with a capacity of 7.2MW.

Support for the project includes a step-up substation, a energy storage system, 19 transformers, a heliport, and a 25-kilometer-long (15.5 miles) 200kV high voltage line.

According to the EIS, construction of the Vientos del Desierto complex is slated to commence in May 2026, as Statkraft aims to contribute to Chile's renewable energy landscape with this significant investment.


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