Nevados Expands US Production with New Solar Tracker Line at Priefert Steel

Credit: Nevados

US-based company has inaugurated a new production line at -based steel manufacturer Priefert Steel, signaling a strategic move towards utilizing American-produced steel in the manufacturing process. The trackers produced at the Priefert factory are anticipated to assist developers and owner-operators in meeting criteria for bonus tax credits for domestic content under the Inflation Reduction Act (IRA).

Jenya Meydbray, Chief Commercial Officer at Nevados, highlighted the importance of establishing a US supply chain, citing the volatility and challenges experienced in the international supply chain over the past few years. Meydbray noted, “A US supply chain can offer some additional predictability that just isn't available with the international supply chain.”

Yezin Taha, Founder and CEO of Nevados, emphasized the benefits of domestic supply chains, citing increased robustness and efficiency, reduction in shipping times, and a decrease in associated carbon emissions and pollution. Taha stated, “Buying as much domestic equipment as is available now helps prepare developers for a future when more US solar module capacity has come online.”

Rocky Christenberry, Vice President of Manufacturing at Priefert Steel, revealed that approximately 100 employees at Priefert Steel are currently engaged in the solar sector, with expectations for this number to grow. Looking forward, Priefert Steel's factory is set to expand from 23 acres to 40 acres in the future.

In addition to the partnership with Priefert Steel, Nevados is actively broadening its client base in the US. The company aims to have contracted enough trackers by the end of 2023 to supply approximately 1.5GW of solar generating capacity in the US. Among Nevados' clientele are solar developers Energix Renewables, Ampliform, and , both existing and new partners in the pursuit of advancing sustainable energy solutions in the country.

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