
New York State Allocates $32 Million for Clean Mobility Initiatives

Governor Kathy Hochul of New York has announced a $32 million initiative aimed at advancing clean mobility solutions across the state. Named the 'Clean...

EU Approves Germany’s €3 Billion State Aid for Hydrogen Pipeline Network

The European Commission has greenlit Germany's planned €3 billion ($3.2 billion) state aid package aimed at developing a Hydrogen Core Network (HCN) of pipelines....

U.S. Treasury and IRS Finalize Rules Boosting Clean Energy Tax Credits

The U.S. Department of the Treasury and the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) have issued final regulations to implement wage...

Biden Administration Unveils Rules for Clean Energy Subsidies to Boost Job Quality

President Joe Biden's administration has introduced final rules for new clean energy subsidies, aiming to make jobs and wages...

U.S. Appeals Court Upholds Biden Administration’s Biofuel Blending Mandates

A U.S. appeals court has upheld a rule set by President Joe Biden's administration regarding the amount of biofuels...

American Clean Power Association Supports Biden Administration’s Tariffs on Chinese Lithium-ion Batteries

The American Clean Power Association (ACP) has expressed approval for the Biden Administration's move to impose Section 301 tariffs...

Senator Fischer Criticizes Biden Administration’s Biofuel Policy and EPA’s Power Plant Regulations

United States Senator Deb Fischer, Republican from Nebraska, voiced strong criticism against the Biden administration's biofuel policy and the...

Biden Administration Plans Twelve Offshore Wind Development Auctions

The Biden administration has announced intentions to conduct up to twelve auctions of offshore wind development rights by 2028,...