
Swedish Government Halts Plans for 700-MW Hansa PowerBridge Interconnector

Sweden has announced its decision to halt the development of the 700-MW Hansa PowerBridge interconnector project, which aimed to link the Swedish and German...

DNV Report: Global Electricity Demand to Double by 2050 Amid Renewable Energy Surge

In a groundbreaking report released by DNV, global electricity demand is projected to double by 2050, propelled by a shift away from fossil fuels...

U.S. Grid-Scale Energy Storage Market Hits Record 993MW Deployment in Q1 2024, Led by Nevada, California, and Texas

The U.S. grid-scale energy storage market achieved a significant milestone in the first quarter of 2024, setting a record...

Fortescue and Jan De Nul Group Collaborate on Sub-Sea Cable Project to Transport Green Electrons from North Africa to Europe

Australian green technology company Fortescue and Belgian marine contractor Jan De Nul Group have joined forces to lay sub-sea...

Britain’s Electricity Operator Forecasts Sufficient Winter Supply

Britain's Electricity System Operator (ESO) has issued an early outlook for the winter period, indicating confidence in the country's...

ABB to Strengthen Spanish Grid with Synchronous Condensers

Red Eléctrica, a subsidiary of Spanish TSO Redeia, has awarded ABB four contracts for synchronous condensers (SC) to enhance...

Belgium and Germany Explore Hybrid Interconnection for Offshore Wind Farms

Belgium's Minister of Energy, Tinne Van der Straeten, and German State Secretary, Philipp Nimmermann, have signed a declaration of...

German Federal Network Agency Identifies Future Wind Power Grid Connection Routes

Germany's Federal Network Agency, BNetzA, has pinpointed seven routes for upcoming grid connections aimed at facilitating the transmission of...