Equinix Achieves 96% Renewable Energy Coverage in 2022 Sustainability Report

, a digital infrastructure company, has recently released its 2022 Sustainability Report. The report outlines the company's progress towards achieving its key environmental, social, and governance (ESG) goals. Equinix's “Future First” strategy is driven by ambitious targets, transparent reporting, ethical leadership, and stakeholder engagement, all aligned with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (UNSDGs).

Equinix has achieved a 96% coverage of its operational load for 2022, reflecting a 10% year-over-year increase in procurement of renewables on a GWh basis. The company also received the highest ranking of the CDP's prestigious 2022 “ Change A List.” Additionally, it became the first digital infrastructure company to optimize operating ranges within its data centers to improve data center efficiency and power usage effectiveness (PUE).

Equinix aims to engage 66% of its suppliers by qualified emissions to set a Science-Based Target (SBT) by 2025. The company has made progress towards this goal, with 17% of Scope 3 emissions now covered by supplier-set targets.

Equinix launched the Equinix Foundation with a financial contribution of $50 million to advance digital inclusion globally. The foundation provides access to technology and connectivity, and fosters the development of skills needed to thrive in the digitally driven world.

Equinix made progress towards its five-year diversity goals, with a 13% increase in the number of women employees globally, a 20% increase in Black/African American employees in the , and a 37% increase in employees volunteering globally.

Equinix tied executive compensation to ESG performance by implementing a modifier to short-term for VP-level employees and above, including executive officers. This initiative holds the company's leaders accountable for achieving both environmental and diversity objectives.

Equinix also increased the diversity represented on its corporate Board of Directors, with three out of the four most recent additions self-identifying as women and/or ethnically diverse.

Equinix's Sustainability Report 2022 showcases its commitment to sustainability and responsible corporate citizenship. The company's Future First strategy and alignment with UNSDGs demonstrate a proactive approach to creating a sustainable future. Equinix's achievements and goals provide a roadmap for other companies looking to integrate sustainability into their business models.


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