German Unions and Conservation Groups Urge Ecological Considerations in Offshore Wind Tenders

Credit: Claudio Mota/Pexels

German unions and conservation groups have issued a joint call for ecological concerns to be integrated into future offshore wind tenders, urging the Federal Ministry of Economics and Protection to reform current tender designs.

In a letter addressed to the ministry, organizations including the German Environmental Aid (DUH), German Nature Conservation Ring (DNR), German Federation of Trade Unions (DGB), and IG Metall highlighted the detrimental effects of the prevailing tender design. They raised concerns about the dominance of well-capitalized companies in offshore wind auctions, leading to inflated land prices and increased pressure on the supply chain, industry, and employees.

The letter emphasized the need to prioritize nature conservation, species protection, and job security in offshore wind allocation decisions. It outlined six concrete criteria for a social-ecological reform of offshore tender design, including considerations for circularity, sustainable shipping, and nature-inclusive design.

DUH federal managing director Sascha Müller-Kraenner stressed the importance of incorporating ecological and social minimum criteria into offshore wind expansion plans, advocating for a more diverse range of actors to access limited offshore areas.

DNR managing director Florian Schöne underscored the importance of nature-friendly offshore wind expansion, emphasizing the need to strengthen protected areas, secure marine species and habitats, and promote technical innovations.

Stefan Körzell, a member of the executive board of the DGB, emphasized the role of offshore wind power in driving industrial transformation and creating quality jobs, urging policymakers to adjust tender criteria accordingly to prioritize fair wages and European-made systems.

Daniel Friedrich, district manager of , called for offshore tenders to prioritize not just financial considerations but also better work conditions, increased value addition, and enhanced environmental protection. He emphasized the need for criteria that prevent cutthroat competition and ensure the preservation of high-quality jobs in the wind industry.

This joint appeal reflects a growing consensus among unions and conservation groups on the need for a more socially and ecologically responsible approach to offshore wind development in .

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