Revolutionizing Agriculture: Geothermal Energy Powers Economic Growth in Sichuan’s Anju District

Anju District in the City of , Province, , has harnessed energy to create an agricultural park that is not only boosting economic value but also transforming the lives of the local population. With operations now underway, this innovative project has already generated an impressive economic value of 270 million yuan, leading to increased enterprise income, improved livelihoods, and the advancement of high-quality agricultural practices.

This remarkable endeavor, known as the “Three Rice Parks,” has earned its reputation as a “geothermal park” by seamlessly integrating geothermal energy, power generation, fish farming, seed cultivation, and crop drying. But how did this ambitious venture come to fruition, and what are the key factors behind its success?

The Genesis of Geothermal Innovation

The initial spark for the geothermal park emerged from the visionary mind of Zou Yuanxin, a member of the District Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference (CPPCC). Seeking expertise, Zou Yuanxin consulted with Professor Li Zhongquan, the Dean of the School of Earth Sciences at Chengdu University of Technology. Within a month, Professor Li Zhongquan assembled an expert team to conduct geothermal research in Anju, which subsequently garnered significant attention from governmental bodies at the provincial, municipal, and district levels.

To assess the feasibility of this endeavor, the Anju District forged a “Geothermal Cooperation Agreement” with Chengdu University of Technology. District CPPCC members played a pivotal role in conducting comprehensive analyses of geothermal sources and crafting a strategy for the development of a geothermal agricultural industry. This meticulous planning led to the selection of Well Moxi 210 from the existing Anyue Gas Field as the heat source for the project, and a peak-staggered energy supply scheme was devised to address potential energy supply challenges. Collaborative partnerships were also formed with institutions like China Agricultural University and Sichuan Agricultural University to expedite the implementation of essential technologies.

Mobilization of Resources for Success

Recognizing the magnitude of the project, it was clear from the outset that it would require significant resources, efficient coordination, and the collective effort of numerous stakeholders. This ambitious undertaking comprised 11 projects, including farmland transformation, mechanization construction, road development, and water facility construction, among others. The CPPCC played a critical role in devising practical solutions to address these challenges.

Under the guidance of the district CPPCC, on-site consultations were conducted to address grassroots governance issues. A collaborative team led by three town party committees and comprising eight CPPCC members and eight village chiefs was established. This multifaceted approach, encompassing political, moral, legal, and intelligent governance, laid the foundation for the park's construction. During construction, district CPPCC members actively engaged on-site, performing over 270 duties and resolving more than 80 community issues.

Fulfilling Community Needs

The construction of the geothermal park brought about some unintended consequences, such as disruptions to the local water supply due to land remediation. District CPPCC member Chen Kelan, in collaboration with Sanjia Town and the district Urban and Law Enforcement Bureau, provided a daily supply of over 60 tons of water to address this issue.

To tackle labor shortages and slow crop harvesting, which impeded mechanization progress, Liu Ying, a member of the District CPPCC, initiated the formation of a Sanjia Town Youth Commando Team. This dedicated team played a crucial role in harvesting over 70 acres of wheat, more than 60 acres of rapeseed, and 110 acres of rice.

The united efforts of committee members in Anju District, involving the integration of talents, networks, and resources, led to the rapid construction of the country's first batch of low-carbon geothermal modern agricultural parks in just 100 days. Moreover, the district successfully hosted the Sichuan Province Geothermal Park, providing further momentum for the advancement of geothermal parks.

A Bright Future for Geothermal Agriculture

“The future of geothermal agriculture is promising!” exclaimed Tian Bin, Chairman of the District CPPCC, during an interview. China's substantial geothermal resources, accounting for approximately one-sixth of the global total, hold immense potential for development and utilization. Notably, China has consistently ranked as the world leader in direct geothermal heating utilization for several years.

With the Anju District's pioneering geothermal park setting an inspiring precedent, it is clear that the integration of geothermal energy into agriculture can drive economic growth, enhance livelihoods, and pave the way for a sustainable future. As the world continues to seek innovative solutions for energy and agriculture, this endeavor in Sichuan Province serves as a testament to the transformative power of geothermal energy in addressing critical societal and economic challenges.


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