New Report Advocates Local and Regional Leadership in Advancing Net Zero Goals in the UK

A newly released report titled “The Future is Local,” co-authored by Conservative MP and Net Zero Tsar Chris Skidmore, underscores the importance of local and regional leaders in driving forward the Net Zero agenda in the United Kingdom. The report follows Prime Minister Rishi Sunak's recent policy announcements regarding Net Zero and aims to build on the findings of “Mission Zero,” an independent review commissioned by the Government to assess Net Zero delivery.

“The Future is Local” presents a total of 31 recommendations, organized into five overarching themes and key proposals. Among these recommendations, the report advocates the establishment of a “Local Net Zero Charter” designed to define responsibilities and enhance collaboration between the , devolved governments, and regional, city, and local authorities.

Another key proposal is to expedite the adoption, consistency, and success of “Local Area Energy Plans” across the UK. These plans play a pivotal role in guiding local communities and authorities toward achieving Net Zero objectives.

The report also suggests the development of a “local Net Zero Delivery Framework” to facilitate cooperation between the UK Government and local and regional authorities, leveraging The Local Net Zero Forum as a platform for engagement and coordination.

Chris Skidmore emphasized the significant role played by local and regional governments in advancing Net Zero commitments, particularly when central government support may be uncertain. He noted that many councils and regions are already taking the lead in action, with aspirations to achieve Net Zero targets ahead of national deadlines.

Skidmore stated, “The Local Mission Zero Network's first report, ‘The Future Is Local,' sets out over thirty recommendations to further the Net Zero Review's local delivery mission. It's clear that if central government won't step up, it should get out of the way and allow local and regional leaders to forge ahead with their positive vision to achieve local Net Zero in partnership with communities up and down the country. Unleashing their ambition is the most effective way to harness the economic and regional growth opportunities that Net Zero can unlock.”

“The Future is Local” report underscores the critical role of local leadership in advancing the Net Zero agenda and emphasizes the need for collaborative efforts between various levels of government and communities to achieve ambitious climate goals.


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