The European Marine Energy Centre (EMEC) has been granted site-wide consent for its Billia Croo wave test site off the west coast of Orkney, Scotland by Marine Scotland. This allows for a streamlined consenting process for EMEC's clients, resulting in a reduction of time and costs associated with offshore demonstrations. Additionally, the site has been expanded by 2.6 square kilometers to the northwest, providing access to deeper water.
The Billia Croo site boasts some of the highest wave energy potentials in Europe, thanks to its location in the powerful North Atlantic Ocean, with an average significant wave height of 2-3 meters. The site includes five cabled test berths in water depths of up to 70 meters, as well as a near shore berth for shallow water projects.
The maximum installed generating capacity has also been increased to 20MW, and a wider range of device types and operations have been approved. Technologies over 1MW can now demonstrate at the Billia Croo test site without needing to apply for individual section 36 consents.
To support the section 36 application, assessments were conducted on seascape, landscape, and visual impact, as well as an environmental appraisal. These assessments focused on an “agreed envelope” of device types and activities that could be deployed within the test site boundaries, considering potential impacts that may occur during the installation, operation, and decommissioning phases of device and infrastructure testing.
The site-wide consent is valid until 2040, ensuring a future-proof consenting process for clients accessing EMEC's facilities.