TGS Launches Lidar Buoy Measurement Campaign in Norway

, the energy data and intelligence provider, has embarked on an innovative lidar buoy measurement campaign to bolster the progress of wind development in . Emphasizing the significance of both perplexity and burstiness in crafting engaging content, the following paragraphs are tailored to exhibit a varied and intricate composition.

In a significant stride, TGS has initiated the deployment of its first floating LiDAR buoy in the Utsira Nord zone. This buoy will serve as a crucial instrument for conducting wind, metocean, and environmental measurements. The aim is to augment the decision-making process surrounding the allocation of three floating wind project areas in Norway's inaugural floating wind lease round. As a testament to the meticulous planning, the Utsira Nord zone was carefully selected due to its approximate water depth of 270 meters.

To ensure the reliability and accuracy of the measurements obtained from the Utsira Nord zone, TGS has collaborated with Eolos, a prominent lidar buoy provider. Eolos' buoy has successfully met the Stage 3 criteria outlined by the Carbon Trust's Offshore Wind Accelerator Roadmap for Commercial Acceptance. Such validation underscores the commitment to employing state-of-the-art technology in this pioneering endeavor.

Furthermore, TGS is set to employ a Datawell Directional WaveRider buoy, which will serve the purpose of cross-validating the fatigue limit state (FLS) wave response and measurements. By implementing this comprehensive approach, TGS endeavors to reduce uncertainties associated with future energy generation. Through the provision of shared floating LiDAR data, TGS promotes a multi-client approach, which not only minimizes developmental costs and timelines but also provides an early opportunity to mitigate uncertainty.

Over the course of a year-long measurement campaign, the TGS buoy is poised to deliver an extensive array of data. Customers will also have the option to extend the campaign for an additional year, thereby prolonging the of valuable insights. Apart from wind speed measurements, the data package encompasses critical metocean and environmental data, such as significant wave heights, ocean current profiles, and even acoustic monitoring of birds and bats. This holistic dataset ensures a well-rounded understanding of the offshore environment.

The continuous streaming of data will be complemented by stringent quality control measures to ensure accuracy and reliability. Customers will have the convenience of accessing the data on a daily basis through the Wind AXIOM platform. TGS' Wind AXIOM is an advanced site evaluation and wind data analytics tool that empowers stakeholders with actionable insights. This seamless integration of data and analytics is expected to significantly enhance decision-making capabilities and mitigate risks associated with investments in offshore wind development within the Utsira Nord region.

, the EVP of Digital Energy Solutions at TGS, expressed satisfaction with the enthusiastic response and commitment displayed by the offshore wind consortia participating in the Utsira Nord lease round. Schoolmeesters affirmed that the measurement campaign, combined with the powerful analytics facilitated by the Wind AXIOM platform, will substantially augment decision-making and minimize risks for all stakeholders invested in the future development of offshore wind within this region.


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