Turkey's Renewable Energy Resource Area (YEKA) wind auction has concluded with winning bids from five projects totaling 1,200 MW in capacity. Enerjisa Üretim emerged as the largest winner, securing 750 MW across two projects. RT Enerji, Efor Holding, and ADY Akdeniz were the other successful bidders in the auction.
Energy and Natural Resources Minister Alparslan Bayraktar emphasized the significance of the competition in building confidence in Turkey's energy sector and overall economic growth. “We will meet the electricity needs of 2 million households from these wind power plants,” Bayraktar said. “If you think about the next 20 years, we will prevent approximately 8 billion dollars of natural gas imports.”
The auction saw 18 times the demand for the 1,200 MW capacity on offer, creating a highly competitive environment. The projects will require a total investment of approximately $1.2 billion and will be spread across three regions.
The successful bidders will have the opportunity to sell the electricity produced from their wind farms on the open market for the first 72 months after contract signing. After that, the electricity generated will be transferred to the transmission system at a fixed price for the next 20 years.