Ocean Infinity and Fugro Secure Contracts for Geotechnical Surveys at DoordeWind Wind Farm Zone

The ' RVO has awarded contracts to and to conduct geotechnical surveys at the . The investigations will focus on sites 1 and 2 within the zone.

Ocean Infinity will execute an seabed campaign, including cone penetration tests (CPTs) up to 60 meters below the seafloor, incorporating seismic CPTs (SCPTs) and thermal CPTs (TCPTs). Additionally, the company will conduct an offshore vibrocore campaign, collecting samples up to 6 meters below the seafloor, followed by an associated laboratory program.

Fugro will undertake an offshore borehole campaign, with target depths ranging from 40 to 60 meters below the seafloor. This campaign includes sampling and a comprehensive laboratory testing program featuring static and cyclic testing, as well as mechanical index (MIC) testing. The boreholes will also undergo in-situ piezocone penetration tests (PCPT/SCPTs) and PS logging.

The survey results will be published for use by participants in future concession tenders for the DoordeWind offshore wind farm sites.


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