Germany Awards 2,400MW of Onshore Wind Capacity in Latest Tender

's Federal Network Agency has revealed the allocation of almost 2,400MW of onshore wind capacity through 189 contracts in its latest held on 1 May. The awarded capacity fell just short of the 2.5GW target outlined in the Sources Act.

Contracts were priced between 7.20 ct/kWh and 7.35 ct/kWh, averaging at 7.33 ct/kWh. With bids totaling 2,485MW, the German Association highlighted a resurgence in the sector, stating, “the German wind energy industry is back.”

Bärbel Heidebroek, President of the German Wind Energy Association, commented, “After a year with a peak volume of new approvals and a very high number of approvals in the first quarter, we can see that the positive mood in the industry is now also reflected in the tenders.”

North Rhine-Westphalia led in contract awards with 727MW across 68 contracts, followed by Lower Saxony with 430MW across 26 contracts, and Schleswig-Holstein with 318MW across 17 contracts.

In solar energy, the agency awarded 512MW across 43 contracts, with prices ranging from 6.78 ct/kWh to 9.17 ct/kWh, averaging at 8.33 ct/kWh. topped solar contract awards with 245MW across 24 contracts, followed by Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania and Schleswig-Holstein.

The next onshore wind tender is scheduled for 1 August, signaling ongoing support for Germany's renewable energy expansion efforts.


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