Germany and Morocco Forge Alliance to Boost Green Hydrogen Production

has announced a new and energy alliance with Morocco aimed at expanding renewable energy and green production in the North African nation, the development ministry disclosed on Friday.

The alliance comes as Germany intensifies efforts to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, particularly in industries such as steel and chemicals that cannot easily transition to electrification. “Morocco has the best conditions for the energy transition and the production of green hydrogen. Germany wants to import hydrogen,” stated Development Minister Svenja Schulze, highlighting the strategic partnership.

Speaking at a joint news conference with German counterpart , Moroccan Foreign Minister Nasser Bourita emphasized Germany's pivotal role as both an economic and political partner. “Germany has a very special position,” Bourita noted.

Schulze underscored the alliance's commitment to fairness in the transition to a green hydrogen economy, contrasting it with fossil-based systems. “We want to do this fairly and in partnership, so that Morocco can also drive forward its energy transition and get its fair share of the value chains of the future,” she affirmed.

Given their geographical proximity, the alliance aims to enhance electricity trading cooperation between Morocco and the European Union, with a focus on integrating German technology companies and suppliers into Morocco's burgeoning hydrogen economy, according to Economy Ministry State Secretary Stefan Wenzel.

Germany has already pledged over one billion euros in subsidized loans since 2012 to support renewable energy projects in Morocco, including the construction of the world's largest solar thermal power plant in Ouarzazate. This plant, funded by Germany, is poised to produce approximately 10,000 tonnes of hydrogen annually, which could enable the production of 50,000 tonnes of green steel per year starting in 2028 or 2029.

The alliance anticipates discussions on the logistics of transporting green hydrogen and related products to Germany and across .


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