Acciona-Led Consortium Wins Peru Transmission Projects to Boost Renewable Energy

Spanish leader SA has secured a significant contract from 's ministry of energy and mining to develop crucial power transmission projects in the southern region, paving the way for over 10 GW of development.

The consortium, led by Acciona, announced on Thursday that it has been awarded three concession projects through Peru's government agency Proinversion, with a total investment estimated at USD 337 million (EUR 314.4m).

According to Acciona, the projects will involve the construction of more than 400 kilometers (248.5 miles) of transmission lines, the establishment of six new substations, and the modernization of six existing ones. These infrastructure developments are expected to benefit over one million residents in the Ica and Arequipa regions, facilitating the integration of gigawatt-scale renewable energy projects in these areas.

“The awarded projects mark a significant step towards enhancing energy infrastructure and supporting renewable energy growth in Peru,” Acciona stated.

Key sub-projects include the construction of substations like Hub Poroma, Colectora, Hub San Jose, Marcona II, San Isidro, and Pampa, along with associated transmission links. Each contract specifies a 50-month construction period and thirty years for operation and maintenance.


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