Pacific Green Technologies to Acquire Majority Stake in Polish Battery Energy Storage Projects

Technologies plans to acquire a majority stake in two projects in Poland from an international developer, marking its foray into the Polish market. The includes a balance of shares in each 50MW site contingent upon achieving project milestones, with a combined storage capacity of 400MWh.

“This move represents Pacific Green's strategic entry into Poland's burgeoning energy storage market,” stated Dane Wilkins, Managing Director of Pacific Green. “As Poland shifts from traditional thermal baseload power to renewable sources, the demand for grid-scale storage is set to rise, driven by EU mandates like Fit for 55 and net zero commitments.”

The projects, located in the Warsaw region and southwest Poland, have already filed grid applications and are poised to participate in the Polish Capacity Market Auction later this year, with readiness for construction expected by late 2024.

“The Polish government's robust regulatory framework and expanding revenue opportunities make it an attractive market for energy storage,” Wilkins added. “We look forward to leveraging our development and construction expertise, along with global supply chain connections, in partnership with our local counterparts.”

Scott Poulter, Chief Executive of Pacific Green, highlighted the strategic significance of expanding their portfolio with next-generation battery energy parks in Poland. “This entry marks a significant milestone for Pacific Green as we continue to prioritize rapid development of scalable energy storage solutions,” Poulter said.


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