St Barbara’s Canadian Unit Explores Renewable Energy Hub at Closed Touquoy Gold Mine

A Canadian subsidiary of Australian gold producer St Barbara Ltd (ASX:SBM) has partnered with independent power producer Natural Forces to investigate the potential establishment of a hub at the decommissioned Touquoy Gold Mine in Moose River, .

Under the collaboration between Atlantic Mining Nova Scotia and Natural Forces, a feasibility study will be conducted at the site to assess the viability of repurposing the mine for hosting a closed-loop pumped hydro system combined with a (PV) plant. The study is set to commence this month, with a conceptual design anticipated by the end of 2024.

Andrew Strelein, Managing Director and CEO of Atlantic Mining, expressed the company's commitment to sustainable development, stating, “At Atlantic Mining, we are committed to sustainable development. Since closing Touquoy, we have been looking at potential alternative land uses as we move into mine reclamation phase.”

Mining operations at the Touquoy open pit commenced in 2017, with extraction concluding in early 2023. Subsequently, the company transitioned to processing stockpiled medium and low-grade ore.


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