European Commission Launches Pilot Mechanism to Boost Hydrogen Market Development

The European Commission has initiated efforts to bolster the burgeoning market with the launch of a pilot mechanism aimed at linking suppliers and buyers. This mechanism, established under the recently-adopted decarbonised gases and hydrogen package, is slated to operate for a duration of five years and will be integrated into the European Hydrogen Bank.

In a move to kickstart this initiative, the Commission has commenced a procurement process to appoint a developer for an IT platform to oversee the pilot mechanism's operations. A contract is anticipated to be finalized by year-end, with the platform expected to commence operations by mid-2025.

The scope of the pilot mechanism encompasses renewable and low-carbon hydrogen, along with its derivatives, facilitating connections between European off-takers and suppliers both within and outside the EU.

According to the Commission, the currently boasts 254 renewable hydrogen projects, comprising 170 operational and 84 under construction, with a combined capacity nearing 3 GW. Furthermore, an additional 8 GW is projected to be added through electrolyser projects following the inaugural pilot auction under the European Hydrogen Bank.

Despite these promising figures, global statistics reveal a shortfall in final investment decisions for renewable and low-carbon hydrogen projects, with only 4% reaching this stage. Additionally, just 12% of the anticipated clean hydrogen supply by 2030 has secured off-takers.

Commissioner for Energy, , emphasized the significance of the pilot mechanism in addressing these challenges, stating, “There are still too few projects moving towards final investment decisions, and too few off-takers signing contracts to switch to hydrogen.” Simson further highlighted the mechanism's role in identifying emerging hydrogen demand and supply, fostering connections between European off-takers and suppliers, and laying the groundwork for future auctions under the European Hydrogen Bank.

The pilot hydrogen mechanism forms part of the Commission's broader strategy to establish a European platform for the joint procurement of strategic commodities, aiming to stimulate the development of the renewable and low-carbon hydrogen sector.


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