EU Commission Designates Snam, Eni, and Terna Energy Initiatives as Projects of Common Interest

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The European Commission has included several energy initiatives sponsored by Italy's , Eni, and Terna in its latest list of Projects of Common Interest (PCI), published on Tuesday. Projects designated as PCIs benefit from a streamlined permitting process and are eligible for European funding through the Connecting Facility.

Snam, the Italian gas grid operator, announced that two of its projects made it to the PCI list. The first is the SoutH2 Corridor, a pipeline connecting Italy, Austria, and . The second is the Callisto Mediterranean CO2 Network, a and storage hub offshore Ravenna.

The SoutH2 Corridor involves collaboration between Snam and Transmission System Operators in Austria and Germany, including Trans Austria, Gasleitung (TAG), Gas Connect Austria (GCA), and bayernets.

The Callisto project includes the Carbon Capture and Storage initiative in Ravenna, a joint development by Eni and Snam.

Projects designated as PCIs play a strategic role in advancing the European Union's energy goals and benefit from an accelerated approval process, facilitating their implementation. The inclusion of these initiatives in the PCI list underscores their importance in driving sustainable energy transitions and fostering cross-border collaboration.

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